Corporate events and cigars are a perfect match for different styles of occasions including company dinners, trade shows, fundraisers and more. Booking Urban Cigars for such events will bring an exclusive, elegant, innovating and trendy approach in increasing traffic flow and interest focused on your event. It is our goal to bring the atmosphere of your event to another level.
Urban Cigars is the perfect addition to bring a luxurious yet relaxing cigar experience to your event of choice. By upholding high standards in our service and selection of brands, a flexible business philosophy and attention to every detail, we can guarantee that your event will truly be a memorable affair.
Just as a fine cigar boasts luster and sheen, Urban Cigars vaunts the luxury, sophistication and social stratification resting in the lifestyle. We offer a social experience which adds a layer of sophistication to any event. You are personally invited by us to enjoy the mobile cigar club experience and live life to the fullest.
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