Learn business from the best

Entrepreneurship Coaching BROWN GIRLS BRUNCH
About Service
Determine Your Direction

Brown Girls Brunch was created for enterprising women committed to creating a thriving, successful business. We help you establish a focus on where your business is currently, evaluate what’s working and what’s not, determine goals, and create an action plan for growth. Our entrepreneurship coaching is based on identifying where you are in your journey as a business owner, and teaching you how to reach the next level.

Service Benefits
Develop Essential Skills

Our vision is to create a movement designed to instill self-confidence, pride, and leadership skills in black and brown women that will propel them into positions of economic significance. We’re excited to join forces with these talented women to equip our attendees with the support and entrepreneurial training they need to grow their business acumen and position themselves for long-term success.

Customer Experience
Direct Your Determination

Attending Brown Girls Brunch will help you develop of a strategic and effective plan, while also exploring your relationship with your business, and commitment to the direction you want it to go in. That means that we emphasize what’s important to DO as an entrepreneur, as well as what it means to BE one.

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